This blog is not about me.

It is about Someone much more important and who is the same yesterday, today and forever.

It is also about you. I want to provide you with evidence so you can do your own thinking and hoping that you will focus on where the evidence leads you.  Christianity is not threatened by scientific or philosophical challenges, and is considered a “reasonable faith”, in that our faith is backed up by abundant evidence. Check out our statement of faith here which we call “God's Story”.

For anyone who does care, my name is Don and my wife and I live on a farm in NE Iowa (the pretty part). Our four grown kids have fled the nest, but still live nearby with our grandchildren. The picture to the right is me at the sea of Galilee next to the ruins of Capernaum - the center of Jesus’ ministry. Fascinating place! 

I am passionate about apologetics, roughly defined as “the intellectual defense of the truth of the Christian religion”, or a “rational response against the objections people bring up about Christianity”. This can help believers deepen their faith, as it has mine, and hopefully remove intellectual roadblocks to those seeking to find answers to some of life's deeper questions.  

I don’t have a divinity degree or a masters in apologetics. Don’t pastor a church or speak at conferences. I do have degrees in accounting and business administration, if that counts for anything.

I consider myself an “amateur apologist”. I am not in the same league as some of the big boys, but do this to bring glory to God with my modest efforts! By the way, I don’t want your money!

Anyway, thanks for stopping by, and I hope that this blog will be helpful to you!